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Instant Accept


QuickBooks Point of Sale

Features and Enhancements for March 23, 2021

What’s New Instant Accept Invoice file attachments Instant Accept Customer Auto Pay Consistent size for VT in Financial and POS Plugins Release Version: 1.75.00 Other Updates This Month March 23, 2021 – Bug Fixes – Release Version 1.75.00

Issue a Refund Within QuickBooks Point of Sale

Issuing a Refund in QuickBooks Point of Sale Option 1 – Need to refund a transaction? Walkthrough this tutorial about issuing a refund. Click on the “Sales History” icon in the center top of your QuickBooks Point of Sale screen. Go to the top center of your QuickBooks Point of Sale screen. In the “Search” […]

Gift Cards Program Coming Soon!

Gift Cards Program Instant Accept is pleased to announce that  we are offering a Gift Card program that will be coming out soon!  With our gift cards service you will be able to issue and accept in store gift cards.   You are able to accept gift card payments from within your QuickBooks Point of Sale in the […]

POS Instant Accept and QuickBooks Integration Video

POS With Instant Accept and QuickBooks Demo Check out our POS System video demo of how Instant Accept works with QuickBooks to save you time and money. Contact Us For a Free Demo

Seamless Integration Between Payments and QuickBooks

The face of doing business is constantly evolving and nowadays, with technological innovations around every corner, those changes are coming more swiftly than ever before. As a business owner staying on top of these changes, and in charge of your business prove to be a daunting task. At Instant Accept we look to help make […]

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