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Instant Accept


Keep Your Current Merchant Account

Keep Your Merchant Account

Keep your payment processor, merchant account and/or payment gateway that you currently have.


Choose Your Own Processing Account or Payment Gateway

With Instant Accept, you DO NOT need to:

If you do not currently have a merchant account or are not satisfied with your current provider, Instant Accept is integrated with nearly all credit card processors in the U.S. Feel free to contact our Instant Accept Sales Team for assistance or questions. You can stay with what works for you, or shop around for the best service and lowest fees. Instant Accept frees you to do whatever is best for your business needs.

Feel free to find out more about our integrated payment gateway. Why not choose the payment gateway that offers more fraud protection and security than any other.


Securing credit card payments with security protocols

Why Not Keep Everything in One Place

Don’t have a merchant account yet? We can help you with that too.

Or maybe you have an account already, contact us to request a free rate analysis and find out how we can meet or beat your current rates. Start accepting payments now by clicking the “need an account” button below.

Not quite sure if Instant Accept is right for you? Request a personalized one on one demo.  
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