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Instant Accept


Instant Accept Desktop

Features and Enhancements for December 07, 2021

What’s New Instant Accept and QuickBooks Zip Codes The Zip / Postal Code now supports international postal code formats. This has been updated throughout the entire platform. Stations The ability to enable and disable stations is now available. There is also the ability to view all deactivated stations on the stations list. There will also […]

Features and Enhancements for October 20, 2021

What’s New Instant Accept Desktop Financial and QuickBooks Over-Payments Customer is now allowed to overpay by updating the total amount. Instant Accept would then apply what’s needed from the payment to the invoice, and then create a credit in the customers profile in QuickBooks with the remainder. Feature must be turned on in the settings […]

How PCI Compliance and EMV Impacts Small Business

What is PCI Compliance? Small Business 101 Every time a business swipes, inserts or collects a customer’s credit card; a massive amount of sensitive data is exchanged. PCI compliance and security standards are the safeguard that maintain and protect this data exchange.  Instant Accepts POS Gateway makes PCI compliance easy and straightforward for small business […]

How to View Your Transaction History in Instant Accept Financial

Viewing Transaction History in Instant Accept Financial How To In order to view your transaction history in Instant Accept Financial, you must open your Instant Accept desktop application, login and select “Transactions”. Next search the date range of the transaction you are trying to look up. After the transactions pull up, you have the option […]

Seamless Integration Between Payments and QuickBooks

The face of doing business is constantly evolving and nowadays, with technological innovations around every corner, those changes are coming more swiftly than ever before. As a business owner staying on top of these changes, and in charge of your business prove to be a daunting task. At Instant Accept we look to help make […]

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