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Instant Accept



End of Support for Verifone VX805 and Worldpay

As with any electronics companies make the decision to stop supporting equipment that requires additional security updates and patches. It is normally good practice to announce an end of life or end of support deadline to give customers the ability to switch to new equipment. Payment processing terminals are no different. That brings us to […]

Integrate CardPointe’s EMV Certified Terminals with Instant Accept

Process Transactions Directly Within Instant Accept Through EMV certified CardPointe Integrated Terminals Instant Accept (IA) and its proprietary accounting plugin solution that enables the only true dynamic accounting program integration for creating and paying invoices has completed its integration for CardConnect’s CardPointe Integrated terminals platform. Making integrations with CardPointe’s EMV certified CardPointe Integrated terminals even […]

How PCI Compliance and EMV Impacts Small Business

What is PCI Compliance? Small Business 101 Every time a business swipes, inserts or collects a customer’s credit card; a massive amount of sensitive data is exchanged. PCI compliance and security standards are the safeguard that maintain and protect this data exchange.  Instant Accepts POS Gateway makes PCI compliance easy and straightforward for small business […]

What to Expect with EMV and Instant Accept

EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa and is also known as “chip cards” or “smart cards”. Many of you have likely already received replacement credit cards with the EMV chip on the front. They still have the magnetic stripe so you can process them as traditional credit and debit cards. How does EMV affect my […]

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