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Instant Accept



Card Present vs Card Not Present: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Payment Efficiency

Understanding the intricacies of payment processing is paramount for businesses looking to stay competitive. Whether your operations involve a physical storefront or a robust online presence, effectively managing both CP vs CNP transactions is essential. Each payment method offers distinct advantages that can enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and bolster security. This guide explores the […]

ACH Payments

Unlocking the Potential of ACH Payments and Transactions The power of ACH payments lies in their ability to revolutionize how businesses and individuals manage their finances. With ACH, transactions become faster, more secure, and more cost-effective than traditional payment methods. Businesses can streamline their operations, reduce administrative costs, and improve cash flow management by leveraging […]

Instant Accept and Our QuickBooks Integration

Instant Accept gives you and your business more opportunities to process credit cards and ACH payments directly through QuickBooks. You can automatically apply payments to open invoices and mark them as paid when the credit card or ACH transaction is complete. Instant Accept has also developed additional robust and flexible features that will streamline and […]

New Rules for Surcharges and Convenience Fees

It is important for merchants to be aware that Visa will be performing in-person audits to ensure compliance with network rules regarding surcharges and convenience fees when it comes to minimum transaction amounts for credit card transactions. According to the regulations set by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, merchants operating within […]

Are you in compliance with the Convenience and Surcharge Fees?

It is important for merchants to be aware that Visa will be performing in-person audits to ensure compliance with network rules regarding surcharge fees and minimum transaction amounts for credit card transactions. According to the regulations set by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, merchants operating within the US region or in […]

Fraud Prevention and Tools

The FRsK First™ fraud prevention tool includes a range of features such as real-time fraud detection, address verification, and card security code checks. These tools work together to ensure that merchants are protected against fraud and their sensitive data is kept secure. One of the key features of the fraud prevention suite is real-time fraud […]

Fraud Protection and Risk Management

Cybercriminals are more sophisticated than ever when it comes to conducting fraudulent transactions and accessing sensitive credit card data. Instant Accept works with some of the most cutting-edge fraud solutions to date. As merchant accepting credit card payments, you need to protect your QuickBooks® data and keep every transaction safe and secure. Instant Accept comes […]

Convenience Fees… Are they beneficial for your business?

In this post we are going to cover the Instant Accept feature referred to as a convenience fee and briefly compare it to surcharging. Convenience fees can essentially be a source of income that will help offset some costs of accepting credit cards. These fees can be added based on a percentage of the total […]

How to Setup Convenience Fees in Instant Accept With QuickBooks

Setup Convenience Fees in Instant Accept Screenshot To enable and set up convenience fees, simply login to your Instant Accept portal and click on Hierarchy on the Acquiring side of the menu. Go to the Products and Services tab to turn on the Convenience fee service, accept the fees to use and save. You will […]

Instant Accept and QuickBooks Point of Sale

Instant Accept paired with QuickBooks Point of Sale offers all of the basic needs for your businesses bookkeeping and goes one step further by adding payment processing which syncs to QuickBooks automatically and additional reporting which improves your bottom line. With Instant Accept you can save yourself and your business time and money by eliminating […]

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