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Instant Accept


Fraud Protection and Risk Management

Cybercriminals are more sophisticated than ever when it comes to conducting fraudulent transactions and accessing sensitive credit card data. Instant Accept works with some of the most cutting-edge fraud solutions to date. As merchant accepting credit card payments, you need to protect your QuickBooks® data and keep every transaction safe and secure.

Instant Accept comes bundled with our payment gateway which gives merchants access to some of the most powerful merchant fraud prevention tools available. Using these tools is as simple as signing up and configuring each tool. The tool settings are customizable and flexible to meet youir business needs.

Fraud Detection Diagram

What Instant Accept Payment Gateway Provides

In today’s blog we will cover the features and some of the benefits the Instant Accept payment gateway and how it can help protect your business and your customers from fraudulent transactions. The payment gateway provides a complete suite of fraud management tools to help you manage the various types of payment fraud.

With multiple selling channels and payment devices, managing payment fraud can be very frustrating.  Without automated tools, merchants must implement manual transaction reviews which are slow, time consuming and are subject to human error.  Instant Accept’s fraud management tools removes the continual manual transaction review process leaving merchants to run their business.

Our proprietary FRsK FirstTM risk management tools provide a sophisticated suite of fraud detection and prevention options. Each transaction submitted can be filtered through a comprehensive series of fraud detection rules to determine potential risk.  Configuration of these rules is under your complete control using our user-friendly merchant administration portal.

The PCI Certified Instant Accept Gateway

The Gateway is dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of your customers’ information by providing the highest levels of security. We are certified and fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard. Our PCI covers 12 major categories of information security including:

The Fraud Protection utility within the Gateway allows the RISK Team to implement safety precautions when accepting mail order, telephone orders (MO/TO) or Internet transactions. Due to the possibilities for the high risk associated with these transaction types, the system also allows the merchant to develop a negative database to block identifiable high-risk credit cards and transactions.

FRsk FirstTM Fraud Tools and Features

Instant Accept provides a complete suite of fraud management tools to manage payment acceptance risk.  Each transaction submitted can be filtered through a comprehensive series of fraud prevention rules to determine potential risk.

Configuration of the fraud settings are under your complete control using our user-friendly administration area of our payment gateway.

Benefits of the FRsk FirstTM Fraud Protection Tools

Instant Accept’s FRsK FirstTM provide the following benefits to your business:

By stopping fraudulent web users before they can fully access your site, you’ll greatly reduce your number of monthly chargebacks and eliminate fees and fines.

stop shipments from fraud transactions and save fulfillment costs

Web users are more confident when using web sites that take precautions to prevent fraud.  By implementing Instant Accept’s fraud tools, you let your users know you’re serious about stopping fraud.

By no longer having to manually verify your orders, you will increase the efficiency and productivity of your employees.

With the Instant Accept FRsK FirstTM tools, merchants can detect, track and control fraud attacks no matter where in the world they originate from.

All transactions information is encrypted to ensure fraudsters cannot see credit card information

Instant Accept Payment Gateway Features

Instant Accept payment gateway provides:

Features include:

Get on Board Now

To inquire further about Instant Accept’s payment gateway features or other third party integrations, contact our Account Managers or any of the Instant Accept team. 

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