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The Debut of Mastercard Installments

Joining the BNPL comes Mastercard Installments. Mastercard will soon give consumers the option to accept offers online or in-store if they accept Mastercard. There are several options that consumers can choose from for their purchases which includes 0 percent financing. This option from Mastercard will be implemented in the USA, UK, and Australia sometime at […]

COVID-19: Things to Take Away From Our Changing World

With the onset of COVID-19 businesses have been changing their day-to-day business routines to adapt to the changes. Constant Contact has been doing research over the past year with small businesses to find out what works and the best options to help their businesses thrive through a pandemic. Constant Contact is sharing several lessons to […]

Small Businesses and the Struggles They Have Endured Through the Pandemic

With the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses had to change up the way they handle their businesses. Although many businesses rely on their income from their storefront, they were forced to expand the capability to offer ecommerce for their customers. Improving fulfillment and distribution centers to manage improved consumers ability to shop however they choose. With […]

Digital Marketing Tips for Businesses

With the COVID-19 pandemic causing major changes for businesses across the world, small businesses are still looking for ways to adapt to it all.  Many businesses are turning to the digital landscape to improve their businesses bottom line. A small survey was created by The Manifest and they’ve shared tips for gaining exposure. Continue Reading… […]

Changes in the Payment Industry Push On Due to COVID-19

Since the COVID-19 pandemic everyone’s daily lives have completely changed.  This includes businesses and how our daily business lives function.  The payment industry is no different.  In fact, the payment industry has taken one of the biggest hits for making changes and creating more security basically overnight. Previously, EMV 3-D Secure 1.0 was introduced has […]

Clean Your Terminals the Correct Way

You spend a lot of time and money cleaning your office and all it’s surfaces, along with everything else. Have you considered the number of germs a credit card machine collects daily? NTC is offering links and resources for helpful tips recommended by the CDC when cleaning your office and keeping yourself, employees and clients […]

Cash Flow Problem Guidance

With so many changes going on nowadays with the COVID-19 outbreak it is becoming more difficult for small businesses to stay afloat. Between keeping customers and employees happy it can be a daunting task during these times. Read on to find out several ways that can help small businesses safeguard their business in the ever-changing […]

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