What is a .gov domain extension?
The .gov domain extension is normally for federal and local government agencies. There are businesses outside of these agencies can be approved. They must fit the criteria requirements. Requirements have been put together in order to acquire one of these types of domain extensions. Here are a list of some of the items required and possible steps you may need to follow gain approval for this type of domain.
- Your business must be a US based public sector or government organization
- Authorizing authority in your organization
- Is the domain you require available
- Authorization Letter – Use an appropriate template for your authorization letter.
- Domain name and organization name must be the same
If you have a need to acquire a .gov domain learn more at the dotgov website. Please be sure to follow the dotgov website for the correct rules and regulations.
An example of a .gov domain extension is with the EPA.
Here are a few domain extensions you may be interested in.
As of 2022 there are so many different domain name extensions to choose from. There is sure to be one that fits your business or personal needs.