Benefits of Using Instant Accept Point of Sale
Point of Sale - Instant Accept with QuickBooks
The integration between Instant Accept point of sale and QuickBooks is not just another plugin. It is the only true integrated software that syncs with your payment processing information with your QuickBooks data file.
Because of our integration you will find that you have more time to work on improving your business instead of spending most of your time on re-keying and fixing errors.
What Instant Accept POS Offers
Instant Accept gives you the ability to process payments seamlessly within your QuickBooks with the integration to Instant Accept’s POS. You will be able to accept all forms of payments from credit cards, debit cards to ACH payments and checks. It will also give you the ability to apply payments to sales receipts, word orders, sales orders and lay-a-ways, as well as, easily process voids and refunds.
While Instant Accept offers all of the basic fundamentals of bookkeeping and payment processing with QuickBooks, it also offers additional reporting for your convenience to help improve your business and time management.
Need Gift Cards? We offer our own gift card program that works seamlessly and runs directly through QuickBooks.
Instant Accept POS Demo
Contact Us Now or Call Us Now at (855) 220-2840 and see how we can help you!