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Instant Accept


Instant Accept Online and QuickBooks Online Overview

QuickBooks Online “You can support that?”

Instant Accept has a unique integration to QuickBooks Online in a sense that it does not work like the other versions of Instant Accept.  Since Quickbooks Online is a web-based SaaS we are not able to embed Instant Accept in to their website.  So what we have done is taken the idea of a separate POS piece that syncs automatically and in real time back to your QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Online

Working Within Instant Accept Online

When working within Instant Accept Online you are able to process credit cards or ACH payments.  You are able to apply payments to

  • Existing QuickBooks Invoices
  • Create new invoices
  • Email individual invoices or batch email all invoices at once

Not only is InstantAccept Online easy to work in but it also gives you the ability to have your employees work outside of your QuickBooks to keep all of your sensitive data safe. Allowing you control over the data information each employee can see.

Invoice Screen

Payments Screen


There is only one version of Quick Books Online out there. Of course, we support it.

  • Internet connection required – high-speed connection recommended
  • Supported browsers:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Internet Explorer 10

Find out more about Instant Accept and what it can offer you and your business!  Contact us today or get started for free!

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