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Instant Accept


Features and Enhancements for September 21, 2021

What's New

Hosted Payment Page Improvements and Updates

  • Dollar amounts are now editable within the UI giving the user the ability to edit the dollar amount or the merchant the ability to choose a standard dollar amount.
  • Multiple pre-determined amounts have been added for merchants to set specific dollar amounts within radio button selections on hosted payment page. For example: A merchant can setup multi-level donation options for their customers to choose from.
  • Merchants can edit button text to their specific needs.
  • The user will now be able to see a success or failure page when their transaction is complete.
  • Merchant will have the option to add their own logo within the configuration page.
  • Multiple UI and UX updates to page for merchant and customer ease of use.
  • Content has been updated to be multilingual throughout entire hosted payment page.
  • The hosted payment page is now setup to accept multiple currencies based off of a merchant’s specific account details.

Release Version: 1.75.12

Other Updates This Month

September 21, 2021 – Bug Fixes – Release Version 1.75.12

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